Raphaël Zarka “Paving Space”

rzpsRaphaël Zarka “Paving Space” Curated By Isle at Protien Studios November 17th-24th, 2016

Paving Space is an unconventional encounter between maths, art and skateboarding curated by ISLE skateboards in collaboration with Carhart WIP. Raphael Zarka tweaks the work of 19th century mathematician Arthur Moritz Schoenfliesan, taking mathematical geometry to a new dimension.

Schoenflies had created three-dimensional drawings of varying complexity which, combined with other identical modules are deployed in space without leaving a vacuum. each plaster models illustrates this philosophy of mathematical geometry forms. The collection of forms were brought to life as solid wooden sculptures that serve as both art and skate sculpture obstacles on display during the exhibition accompanied by film and photography, documenting a series of performances from Paris, Singapore and Poitiers.

rz“Paving Space” Curated By Isle at Protien Studios November 17th-24th, 2016

Entering the crowded exhibition, the immersion into the skate community is undeniable; an inverted response to an abundance of light illuminating protien Studios as the art event of the evening. Zarka can be described as a influencer of modernist architecture questioning the process art of human emotion.

skateboarding aching and screeching are commonly associated with schooling, rebelling or a disturbance; becomes a piece of typography to communicate the process of the new concepts. The main room holds the sculptors and photography while a room behind it holds an audiovisual experience stimulating yet another sense, from light to dark.

Art is put into the world to be interpreted, understood and evolved and Zarka has given an example of communication through functional design.

Take a glimpse at Zarka’s large scale reconstructions of 19th Century mathematician Arthur Moritz Schoenflies models creatively re-appropriated.

Link to video

Review By Ricke Marc Anthony

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